Kulae puttu

A little thunder, a spattering of gentle rain on dry soil and leaves, the fragrance of kulae puttu steaming gently in a sekala. That, for me, is the essence of May in Coorg. Pre-monsoon showers have appeared and, with jackfruit season in full swing in India, I’m sure there’s kulae puttu being made in homes across Coorg. Sigh!

My grandmother made kulae puttu in industrial quantities to cater to the hordes of grandchildren who just couldn’t get enough of them. Well, those of us who liked jackfruit, that is. Fortunately, these luscious, sweet steamed cakes are almost as easy to make as to make disappear.

Kulae puttu is steamed in a leaf wrapper, which makes it even more alluring. As with anything cooked in a wrapper, opening up that fragrant parcel is one of life’s sweet pleasures. Again, unless of course, you don’t like jackfruit!

Jackfruit are loosely classed into barké and kulae varieties. The former are the kind with crisp flesh, while kulae chekké tends to be stringy and very sticky. The latter is the kind generally preferred for making kulae puttu.

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Ginnu: out of the mouths of babes

It’s spring, and here in Vancouver there’s a flurry of thawing, sprouting, blossoming and blooming activity about. On farms across the region, this is also typically the time when calving takes place. And that reminds me of one the more unusual foods we were treated to on holidays spent in Coorg – ginnu, a steamed, spiced custard made from the milk of newly calved cows. Although, given the parallels one finds in many different societies in India and around the world, perhaps it isn’t that unusual a food at all. Call it ginna, ginnu, junnu, posu, kharvas, or, for a little international flavour, beestings, Ábrystir, or the charmingly named kalvdans (dance of the calf in Swedish), they’re all versions of the same thing – colostrum pudding!

My grandparents in Coorg maintained a few cows for the dairy needs of the household, and we enjoyed the best “dairy-fresh” milk, butter, ghee, yogurt, cream, and ginnu, of course. I had assumed it was the same for my mother when she was growing up there, so it came as a surprise to hear that things were a little different back then.The cows, it seems, were a later arrival – a concession to the relatively diminished demands of the household. Back in the day, it was buffaloes all the way, so the dairy produce in the home was all made from rich, creamy buffalo milk.

A newly calved cow (or buffalo) will produce colostrum in the first few days after giving birth.The very first milk, which is a dark yellow, is typically discarded, before the calf is allowed to feed. The milk used for making ginnu is usually from the second and third milking, when it is at its richest.We were told often enough not to eat too much ginnu because it was “rich”. While that usually calls to mind fatty foods, in this case, the milk can actually be lower in fat than regular milk – depending on the breed, but it is very high in albumin, globulin, iron, and a host of antibodies, all essential to the healthy growth of that wobbly little calf. Perhaps they were just trying to prevent us from turning into little cows (or buffaloes)!

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Craving Kaipuli

In Thai cuisine, the makrut lime is indispensable. In Bengal, it is the imperial Gandharaj that holds court. But of all the varieties of citrus that grow so well in Coorg, the one that is a star in the Kodava culinary repertoire is Kaipuli, or bitter orange, with its tart flesh and beguiling bitter-sweet fragrance.

There can be quite a lot of variation in the appearance of kaipuli from tree to tree. Some are smooth skinned, others nubbly, some ripen to an orange colour, others stay a mottled yellow-green,  some have less acid flesh than others, but there’s no mistaking the fragrance. It has the aromatic bitterness of Seville oranges. But unlike Seville oranges, the flesh of kaipuli has a not unpleasant acidity, and while you might not want to eat it out of hand, the flesh can be incorporated into a refreshing salad or chutney. I’ll leave it to botanists to sort through the comings, goings and cross pollinations of citrus varieties! Kaipuli  may well be an indigenous variety, crossed with later introductions. Coorg has, after all, a long history of orange and other citrus cultivation.

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Kerala Puttus by Ammini Ramachandran

It’s officially the first day of spring, and, despite the odd flurries of snow and a forecast for rain and more rain , the skies graciously cleared enough to show just a little watery blue.

In Vancouver’s changeable weather, there’s one cookbook that I can count on to consistently bring the lush, tropical warmth of Kerala to my kitchen at any time – Grains, Greens, and Grated Coconuts©. A perfect blend of historical perspective, personal anecdotes, and impeccably researched and written vegetarian recipes from the kitchens of the Kochi royal family, GG&GC  truly is a timeless classic.

I’m honoured to have the first guest post on this blog by the author, my friend, Ammini Ramachandran.

Kerala Puttus

by Ammini Ramachandran

Reading Shalini’s post – Oduputtu: aromatherapy for the cook – brought back memories of a favorite breakfast dish of Kerala with a similar name – puttu. Just as with Coorg cuisine, Kerala cuisine is deeply rooted in rice. And similarly, there are several Kerala dishes that end with the suffix puttu. The one major difference is that Kerala puttus are prepared with rice flour, wheat flour, ragi flour or grated tapioca, but never with a batter. They have a crumbly texture.
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Weekend Pune Darshan

I’ve been hearing wonderful things about Pune for many years now, but somehow, the chance to visit had eluded me until recently.

Pune, formerly known as Poona, the second largest city in the state of Maharashtra, is a fascinating mix of history and modernity. It has a thriving cultural scene that the locals are justifiably proud of. Music, dance, theatre, it’s all there.

There’s a lot you can do in a weekend in Pune. The question is where to begin taking in all the wonderful things that the city has to offer. Many phone calls, text messages, and drawing up of lists later, we had an itinerary tailored  to our time and interests.

Every visitor in Pune has their version of Pune Darshan (viewing). Here is some of what was on our menu!

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Big on jackfruit

In Coorg a couple of weeks ago, the local markets were just beginning to show signs of jackfruit coming into season. By May and June, there will be freestanding fortifications built from these giant fruit, for sale along the road to Mysore, Bangalore and beyond.

The jackfruit, (chekké in Kodava thakk) is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world, with specimens that tip the scales at 15 kg being considered quite average. Add to that a thick, spiky skin and a big, strong fragrance that is almost as polarizing in effect as that of the durian, its cousin, and you have quite a formidable creature on your hands!

Though there are now many cultivars available, jackfruit is traditionally classified simply into the kind that can be eaten fresh and the kind that requires cooking.The ripe fruit can range from firm, crisp and easily eaten out of hand, to soft and stringy, with a stickiness that can pose a very real choking hazard. The latter is usually reserved for cooking into a variety of sweets.The flesh of all varieties is edible in the fully grown but green, or unripe stage, the fibrous structure mimicking that of animal flesh quite convincingly when cooked as a meat substitute. The seeds, probably my favourite part, make delicious  additions to curries, and are a deeply satisfying treat when roasted in embers.

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