Now for something to go with that cup of tea, or coffee!
Of all the times I spent around my grandmother in her kitchen, I loved the afternoons best of all. While the adults retired to snooze after a heavy lunch, and older cousins ganged up and loitered over music, magazines and books, I would be gathering spoons, bowls, eggs, sugar, bananas, and whatever grandmother instructed me to fetch and carry as she set about making “something for tea”.
No task was too small to this eager helper. Peel and mash those bananas? (I’m on it!). Fetch a sheet of newspaper to drain the fried foods on? (Race to the pile outside the store room and back in a flash!). Butter from the fridge? (Faster than greased lightning!).
This was the most wonderful time spent in her company – the afternoon sun lighting and warming the kitchen, grandmother quietly mixing batter, rolling pastry or pouring pancakes, with the occasional instruction aimed in my direction.